
About Me

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I'm Sheila Melvani, call me Sheila. 30-03-1996. I have one little brother. I lived with my parents. I'm part of Industrial Engineering
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Monday, 20 August 2012

Happy Birthday to Andrew Garfield



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hai semuanya cuman mau ngasih tau nih, gue biasanya lebih aktif di twitter daripada di facebook habis di facebook sepi sih makanya ke twitter deh jadinya .
Oiya nih twitter gue yaaaaa dont forget to follow me hehe sorry promosi


Happy Eid Mubarak

Gue (sheila melvani) beserta keluarga mau ngucapin minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir batin, baik kesalahan yang disengaja ataupun tidak dan baikpun kesalahan besar maupun kecil. Baik yang kenal juga maafin ya, kan ini lebaran jadi kita harus saling memaafkan jangan sampe ada dendam ya diantara kita semua :-). Happy Eid Mubarak for all Moslem


Saturday, 18 August 2012

Taylor Swift - The Story Of Us Lyrics

I used to think that one day we'd tell the story of us,
And how we met
And how the sparks flew instantly
And people would say they're the lucky ones

I used to know my place was the spot next to you,
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on

Oh, a simple complication,
Miscommunications lead to a fallout,
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up, I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

Next chapter

How did we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes
And trying to look busy
And you're doing your best to avoid me

I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
But you held your pride like you should have held me

Oh, I'm scared to see the ending,
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

This is looking like a contest
Of who can act like they care less
But I liked it better when you were on my side

The battle's in your hands now
But I would lay my armor down
If you said you'd rather love than fight

So many things that you wish I knew
But the story of us might be ending soon

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
Now, now, now

And were not speaking,
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
'Cause were going down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

The End

The Story Of Us - Taylor Swift


Tiga Benda Penyebab Rusaknya Kulit Wajah

1. Kacamata hitam
"Anda pasti kaget dengan jumlah bakteri yang bisa tumbuh di kacamata hitam atau di kacamata yang disarankan dokter," ujar ahli dermatologi David Bank dari The Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery di New York. Mulailah berpikir dua kali untuk menaruh kacamata di dalam tas atau di atas meja restoran. Untungnya, bakteri di kacamata bisa hilang dengan mencuci kacamata menggunakan sabun tangan antibakteri dan air beberapa hari sekali.

2. Telepon seluler
"Ponsel itu seperti wadah khusus untuk bakteri," ujar David Bank. Ponsel bisa ditempati bakteri lebih banyak dari barang lain. Ia merekomendasikan untuk membersihkan ponsel Anda dengan tisu antibakteri setiap sebelum menggunakannya (atau setidaknya sekali sehari).

3. Kuas make-up
Barang itu adalah "penampung bakteri," menurut Bank. Untuk membasmi kuman di kuas make-up, Anda bisa menyemprotkan pembersih antibakteri seperti BodyographyPro The Brush Off Anti-Bacterial Makeup Brush Cleanser sepekan sekali.

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